It is hard to repay the loan amount in one lump sum installment
at the end or beginning of the month as it can be disturbing for the budget but
now the people can get the long term loans directly from the lenders. The guaranteed loans direct lenders are the new loan products that provide
a longer repayment period. These are the secured loans and are availed directly
from the lenders.
The request for the loan can be made online as well. The online
requests are processed instantly which is followed by the confirmation of the
borrower. After the verification of the documents presented by the borrowers
the loan is granted and the loan amount is transferred into the bank account of
the borrower.
The loan amount depends on the need of the borrower as well as
on the assessed value of the security kept by him. The loans for people on benefits are raised at the lower rates of interest. Only
the permanent residents of UK ,
aged 18 years or above, employed with the consistent income and having valid as
well as active bank account can apply for the loan.
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